Pcd updates

The Robertson Community Information Centre was launched in April 2018, with a flurry of Robertsonians and dignitaries from around the Southern Highlands and beyond. Call by for a wander... in the middle of the village on the Illawarra Highway.

Regions need to be resourceful, resilient and entrepreneurial to survive. HERD helps people invent jobs – not apply for them, helping people and businesses to adapt, leverage resources, funds and expertise to realise their entrepreneurial potential. PCD created a brand to help HERD become a recognised force in the Southern Highlands.

The world’s first quantum computer will be transformative for every aspect of society, potentially solving highly complex problems – that are beyond the capacity of conventional computers – in hours or minutes. PCD was engaged to create a new brand for Silicon Quantum Computing Pty Ltd; SQC is working to create and commercialise a quantum computer based on world leading intellectual property acquired from the Australian Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T).

The new Century identity positions the organisation as Australia’s most creative, innovative and entrepreneurial venue owner and operator. As it has grown from humble one venue beginnings (the Enmore Theatre) to become a multi-layered business operating several theatres full time, Century has developed many and varied interests in the entertainment business. It understands that great things develop from small beginnings and in no other industry is this more true than in entertainment – today’s garage band is tomorrow’s Rolling Stones.

After seven years of development and design, the Lake Eyre Basin Aboriginal Way Map was launched in Alice Springs on August 1st. This fascinating and complex project has been a labour of love for many indigenous and non-indigenous people committed to rendering 60,000 years of Aboriginal history in the Basin as a physical Map. PCD is proud to have played a key role in bringing this into being.